Managing organizational change in an international scientific network: A study of ICES reform processes

Publication review

Organizations involved in the governance of natural resources are challenged to adjust to the call for more holistic management approaches.

This often necessitates organizational change. Here change processes in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) during the years 1998—2009 are investigated using semi-structured interviews combined with observations and review of documents.

Several organizational reforms were implemented during the time period studied. The major drivers were the need to improve efficiency and a striving for better integration between different components within the organization.

The reform processes were driven forward by individuals who navigated between opportunities and constrains embedded in the network structure of ICES. This required good leadership and communication skills.

Broad consultations were important to ensure support within the ICES community. By increasing the understanding of the dynamics of change in organizations, which operate at the science—policy interface developments in desired directions can be facilitated.


Link to centre authors: Olsson, Per, Österblom, Henrik
Publication info: Stange, K., Olsson, O., Österblom, H. 2011. Managing organizational change in an international scientific network: A study of ICES reform processes. Marine Policy


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