Biodiversity and land abandonment: Connecting agriculture, place and nature in the landscape


This chapter is part of a book which brings together theoretical and empirical research from 22 countries in Europe, North America, Australia, South America and Japan.

The book offers a state-of-the-art survey of conceptual and methodological research and planning issues relating to landscape, heritage, [and] development.  It has 30 chapters grouped in four main thematic sections: landscapes as a constitutive dimension of territorial identities; landscape history and landscape heritage; landscapes as development assets and resources; and landscape research and development planning. 


Link to centre authors: Queiroz, Cibele
Publication info: Beilin, R.; Lindborg, R.; Queiroz, C. 2011. Biodiversity and land abandonment: Connecting agriculture, place and nature in the landscape. In: Roca, Z., Claval, P. and Agnew, J. (eds.) Landscapes, identities and development. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. PP. 243-256


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