Chapter 13: Double water blindness: Delaying Sub-Saharan green revolution


Water is crucial for human sustenance, health and dignity; as a driver for business; for food and energy security; and for the ecosystems upon which our societies and continued development depend. For this report, prepare as input to 2015 World Water Week – themed Water for Development – we (SIWI) have invited a wide range of experts with different perspectives on water and development to share their thinking and propose new avenues for development. 

This chapter describes water scarcity from a sub-Saharan perspective and discuss  natural resources, blue and 'green water' as well as opportunities for sustainable development of water managment in Africa.


Link to centre authors: Rockström, Johan
Publication info: Falkenmark, M., J. Rockström. 2015. Chapter 13: Double water blindness: Delaying Sub-Saharan green revolution. In: Clausen, A., T.J. Holmgren, K. Lexen (Eds.), Water for Development: Charting a Water Wise Path. SIWI, Stockholm, Sweden Vol. 35 pp. 64–69


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