Happy new year

Presenting the social-ecological Model Calendar

To kick off 2015 we are proud to present you with a calendar produced by researchers at the centre

The models that are often used by researchers at the Centre and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics have now been gathered and illustrated in a wall calendar for 2015.

"Our thinking in social-ecological systems research is influenced by many models," say Nanda Wijermans and Caroline Schill, two of the creators of the calendar. "This calendar is a result of monthly dinners and discussion over the course of a year where we have identified a selection of models that shaped our thinking about social-ecological systems and made an effort to explain and illustrate them."

A model is a simplified representation of a real-world phenomenon, a way to help us imagine and communicate about different systems and their functioning. In research, models are often used to explain or predict something we want to understand. They come in many forms: mental, theoretical and computational models.

The calendar is available for download here Pdf, 4.4 MB.

Published: 2015-01-21

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Download the calendar here Pdf, 4.4 MB.

Illustrations for the calendar were done by the Calendar creators, and by Jerker Lokrantz and Elsa Wikander at Azote

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