From Anthrome to Refugium? A short history of small-scale fisheries in the Anthropocene


In this article we investigate small-scale fisheries—its characteristics and values—by considering the type of aquatic and marine environments in the Global North and South that they exploit and change. We use the literature on (small-scale) fisheries and our own studies to argue that the aquatic and marine environments where small-scale fishers currently operate are shrinking under the pressures from a globalizing and urbanizing world, to the extent that they acquire characteristics of biocultural refugia.


Publication info: Boonstra, W.J., Björkvik, E., Joosse, S., Hanh, T.T.H. 2019. From Anthrome to Refugium? A short history of small-scale fisheries in the Anthropocene. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences.

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