The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the centre have announced a collaboration to ensure future business solutions are based on the best scientific analysis. Pictured: Peter Bakker, President, WBCSD (left) and centre executive director Johan Rockström.

New partnership

Bridging the business-science gap

New partnership with World Business Council on Sustainable Development

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Stockholm Resilience Center have announced an innovative collaboration to ensure future business solutions are based on the best scientific analysis.

The collaboration signals, for the first time, that the WBCSD has committed to integrating scientific analysis and resilience thinking into projects focused on accelerating business solutions for sustainability. The announcement was made at the IUCN World conservation Congress in Jeju, South Korea.

A forum for business
A CEO-led organization of forward-thinking companies, the WBCSD galvanizes the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment. It provides a forum for its 200 member companies - who represent all business sectors, all continents and a combined revenue of more than $7 trillion - to share best practices on sustainable development issues and to develop innovative tools that change the status quo.

The WBCSD/SRC collaboration will connect resilience and sustainability science with business strategies. It will focus on aligning the Planetary Boundaries framework with the WBCSD's Vision 2050 framework. As well as working with the WBCSD across its projects, Stockholm Resilience Centre will carry out applied research on how the Planetary Boundaries framework can be adapted in order to make the information actionable at both corporate and sector levels.

Business solutions based on scientific analysis
Peter Bakker, President, WBCSD said: "I am delighted to be collaborating with the SRC on this innovative partnership. The Planetary Boundaries framework provides an unambiguous picture of where environmental change is happening, and to what extent. Business plays a vital role in helping mitigate environmental change. If you bring facts to business, it will act. By working with the SRC we can bridge the gap between business and science, get access to the best scientific facts and then establish where business solutions are most needed, and make positive changes to our world."

Centre ED Johan Rockström:"Humanity has reached a new turbulent state, where social, economic and environmental changes interact with unexpected outcomes for our businesses and nations. It is of critical importance that science and business together co-design strategies to transition into a safe operating space and build resilience in the face of unavoidable surprise. This new collaboration with WBCSD offers a unique opportunity to makes substantive progress on global sustainability.

Published: 2012-09-08


Related info

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development is a CEO-led organization of forward-thinking companies that galvanizes the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment.
The WBCSD provides a forum for its 200 member companies - who represent all business sectors, all continents and a combined revenue of more than $7 trillion - to share best practices on sustainable development issues and to develop innovative tools that change the status quo. The Council also benefits from a network of 60 national and regional business councils and partner organizations, a majority of which are based in developing countries.


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