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Your search Resilience thinking resulted in 486 hits

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  • News 233
  • Publications 113
  • Rethink Talks 15
  • Staff 22
  • Video 52
  • Other 51

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  1. Preparing for the future: Teaching scenario planning at the graduate level
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    approaches are valuable, contemporary environmental issues also require new tools and new ways of thinking. We provide an example of how such new, or “post-normal", approaches have been taught at the graduate

  2. Use your power for good: plural valuation of nature – the Oaxaca statement
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    values are neutral. Unequal power relations influence valuation and decision-making and are at the core of most environmental conflicts. As actors in sustainability thinking, environmental scientists and

  3. Toward a methodology for explaining and theorizing about social-ecological phenomena
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    modelling as an abductive methodology to successively build and test explanations rooted in complexity thinking. Collaboration between empirical researchers, theoreticians, practitioners, and modellers is

  4. Accounting and accountability in the Anthropocene
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    areas. First, possible pathways for further development of how accounting scholarship might evolve by the provocation that thinking about the Anthropocene is outlined. Second, and through engagement with

  5. Induction, Experimentation and Causation in the Social Sciences
    Publications | 2022-03-14

    Induction, Experimentation and Causation in the Social Sciences Summary Inductive thinking is a universal human habit; we generalise from our experiences the best we can. The induction problem is to

  6. Bright spots: seeds of a good Anthropocene
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    overly optimistic utopias and business-as-usual scenarios that lack insight and innovation, frustrate progress. Here, we present a novel approach to thinking about the future that builds on experiences

  7. Co-exploring relational heuristics for sustainability transitions towards more resilient and just Anthropocene futures
    Publications | 2022-03-16

    modes of engagement, or patterns of activity, that could enliven humanity's efforts in fostering systemic thinking and action to inform sustainability transitions are offered. Their purpose is to realise

  8. Fostering collaboration for knowledge and action in disaster management in South Africa
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    preconceived assumptions; entrenched disciplinary thinking; and confusing terminology. Enabling factors included efforts to ensure project co-creation and the use of knowledge brokers in promoting systems

  9. Toward a process epistemology for the analysis of Social-Ecological Systems
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    concepts through focusing on the concept of difference, exploring apparent contradictions and engaging in assemblage thinking. Latest news Research news | 2024-07-05 Do hunting and fishing bring us closer to

  10. Hertz
    Staff | 2023-09-28

    assignments, he was particularly interested in how to integrate resilience thinking into vulnerability analyses to climate change. Hertz is a member of IUCN s (International Union for Conservation of Nature