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Your search Resilience thinking resulted in 486 hits

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  • News 233
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  • Video 52
  • Other 51

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  1. Most requested publications from Stockholm Resilience Centre
    News | 2020-12-13

    resilience thinking Author(s): Cooke, B., S. West, W.J. Boonstra Read more or request publication 6. The trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration Author(s): Steffen, W., W. Broadgate, L. Deutsch

  2. Most requested publications from Stockholm Resilience Centre
    News | 2020-12-13

    Rist, L., A. Felton, M. Nyström, M. Troell, R. A. Sponseller, J. Bengtsson, H. Österblom, R. Lindborg, P. Tidåker, D. G. Angeler, R. Milestad, and J. Moen 2014. Applying resilience thinking to production

  3. Applying resilience thinking to urban planning
    News | 2020-12-13

    Urban planning Dealing with deadlocks and dichotomies How resilience thinking can be useful in urban planning Story highlights Study presents three ways that resilience theory can be useful in urban

  4. Improving participatory resilience assessment by cross-fertilizing the Resilience Alliance and Transition Movement approaches
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    commonly used approaches for applying resilience thinking: the grassroots movement of Transition Towns and the Resilience Alliance’s Resilience Assessment. We compared these approaches through a text

  5. Increasing attempts to measure resilience may create wrong understandings of resilience
    News | 2020-12-13

    A new study warns that while metrics of resilience are well underway there are growing concern about what exactly is being measured and whether it misses the point of what resilience thinking is

  6. Applying resilience at local and regional level in Sweden

    orsakerna till ett hållbarhetsproblem. The project Resilience in practice for Swedish governance tests and develops methods for how resilience thinking can be used in the strategic sustainability work of

  7. Elevating the role of water resilience in food system dialogues
    Publications | 2024-04-16

    Elevating the role of water resilience in food system dialogues Summary Ensuring resilient food systems and sustainable healthy diets for all requires much higher water use, however, water resources

  8. Building business resilience: what has Covid-19 taught us?
    Video | 2020-12-15

    Resilience Centre’s Executive Programme for Resilience Thinking, and Sturla Henriksen, Special Advisor to the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Together

  9. Carl Folke on natural capital, resilience and biosphere stewardship
    Video | 2020-12-15

    scientists and is among the most cited scientists in the world on resilience thinking. He is also Director of the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences . Related

  10. Addressing the complex poverty puzzle using resilience thinking
    Video | 2020-12-15

    Standfirst Addressing the complex poverty puzzle using resilience thinking Time: 00:10:30 Text Introduction by centre researcher Jamila Haider This video is part of the Massive Open Online Course