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Your search Resilience thinking resulted in 486 hits

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  • News 233
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  1. The 10 science ‘Must Knows’ on Climate Change”
    News | 2020-12-13

    This must be the starting point for re-thinking what in the past 70 years has become our culture of short-term convenience and consumption, a culture which eventually comes at the cost of the well-being

  2. University campuses should promote sustainable development more than they do
    News | 2020-12-13

    innovations strong enough to compete even under the tough selection pressure of the free market,” they argue. This thinking is part of the idea of the “entrepreneurial university”, a term used to explain how

  3. An overview: The Second Conference of the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS)
    News | 2020-12-13

    Different key themes were highlighted for the conference. To get everyone in the same line of thinking, keynote speakers started Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday morning with presentations focused around one

  4. Current sustainability concepts too focused on resource limits rather than waste accumulation
    News | 2020-12-13

    Bildtext får vara max två rader text. Hela texten ska högerjusteras om den bara ska innehålla fotobyline! Photo: B. Christensen/ Azote SUSTAINABILITY THINKING Current sustainability concepts too

  5. Ditches, fishponds, weirs, reservoirs, fish ladders, and irrigation channels harbour unexplored opportunities
    News | 2020-12-13

    theme is to relate global perspectives on resilience thinking and social ecological systems to sustainable development needs at sub-global scales. Latest news Research news | 2024-07-05 Do hunting and

  6. International Advisory Board

    Research In Motion (BlackBerry), a Canadian company he scaled from an idea to $20 billion in sales globally. He is a co-founder of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) based in New York City and

  7. Why forest restoration is more than just planting new trees
    News | 2024-04-17

    appropriate mix of locally relevant species. Monocultures will not contribute towards the resilience of the overall landscape. Restoration can also mean improving soil quality, or protecting wildlife corridors

  8. Towards solving a key puzzle in the IPBES
    News | 2020-12-13

    highlighted in the IPBES. Five tasks need attention to apply MEB thinking in practice while building trust, facilitating communication and allowing for a joint learning. The Anthropocene is characterised by the

  9. Formally describing the Anthropocene
    News | 2020-12-13

    force of an asteroid strike. Or, now rival or overwhelm the great forces of nature. Or humans are a prime driver of change in the Earth system.” Link to publication Gaffney and Steffen started thinking if

  10. Getting to grips with complexity
    News | 2020-12-13

    integrate the latest knowledge about resilience thinking and the Earth system into current debates in and about the financial sector,” he explains. There is a very common misunderstanding among actors in