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Your search Resilience thinking resulted in 486 hits

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  • News 233
  • Publications 113
  • Rethink Talks 15
  • Staff 22
  • Video 52
  • Other 51

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  • Last year 54
  • More than a year ago 432
  1. Reflections on building resilience: Interactions among principles and implications for governance
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    Reflections on building resilience: Interactions among principles and implications for governance Summary As both the societies and the world in which we live face increasingly rapid and turbulent

  2. Development and Resilience: Re-thinking poverty and intervention in biocultural landscapes
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    Development and Resilience: Re-thinking poverty and intervention in biocultural landscapes Summary How can efforts to alleviate poverty better account for coevolving relationships between people and

  3. Dwelling in the biosphere: exploring an embodied human–environment connection in resilience thinking
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    Dwelling in the biosphere: exploring an embodied human–environment connection in resilience thinking Summary Resilience has emerged as a prominent paradigm for interpreting and shaping human

  4. Traps! An introduction to expanding thinking on persistent maladaptive states in pursuit of resilience
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    Traps! An introduction to expanding thinking on persistent maladaptive states in pursuit of resilience Summary This special feature is the result of a long collaboration between Stockholm University

  5. Beyond Divides: Prospect for synergy between resilience and pathways approaches to sustainability
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    Beyond Divides: Prospect for synergy between resilience and pathways approaches to sustainability Summary In the context of rapid social, ecological and technological change, there is rising global

  6. Principles for building resilience: Sustaining ecosystem services in social-ecological systems
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    Principles for building resilience: Sustaining ecosystem services in social-ecological systems Summary As both the societies and the world in which we live face increasingly rapid and turbulent

  7. From Math to Metaphors and Back Again: Social-Ecological Resilience from a Multi-Agent-Environment Perspective
    Publications | 2020-12-12

    Developing the mathematics of resilience along these lines would not only make social-ecological resilience more applicable to data and models, but could also conceptually advance resilience thinking. Latest

  8. Social resilience during times of crisis: what can we learn from those hit the hardest?
    Video | 2020-12-15

    solving the hunger crisis Just want to listen? Here's the podcast version About Rethink Talks Rethink Talks is Stockholm Resilience Centre’s multimedia podcast series on resilience thinking and global

  9. Thinking differently about supply chain resilience: what we can learn from social-ecological systems thinking
    Publications | 2024-04-16

    Thinking differently about supply chain resilience: what we can learn from social-ecological systems thinking Summary Purpose This article seeks to broaden how researchers in supply chain management

  10. Embracing complexity in landscape management: Learning and impacts of a participatory resilience assessment
    Publications | 2022-09-30

    requires considering this complexity. Resilience thinking offers ways to address complexity in decision-making. In this paper, we analyse the learning and impact on a diverse group of local actors from