Is fish a fish - adding fish to the global food sustainability transformation


The Perspective on food sustainability (T. Garnett, 16 September, 353/6305) gives valuable insights related to links between dietary choices, environmental impacts and health. Substituting meat with fish could, as stated, only result in a transfer of impacts. If, however, fish is caught sustainably, respecting biological limits and using smart fishing methods, capture fisheries can produce low-impact food without requiring land, pesticides, fertilizers or irrigation. This is unique and fishery is the only large-scale food production system based on a wild resource. While many wild fish stocks are fully or over-exploited, global landings could potentially increase by up to 20% if stocks were properly managed .


Link to centre authors: Henriksson, Patrik, Troell, Max
Publication info: Troell, M., Ziegler, F., Henriksson, P. 2016. Is fish a fish - adding fish to the global food sustainability transformation. Science 16 Sep 2016: Vol. 353, Issue 6305, pp. 1202-1204 DOI: 10.1126/science.aah4765

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